Thursday, June 26, 2008


Addison was released from the hospital the morning. Yea!! You probably all know she has been having problems with her bowels. Well, on Monday, June 16th she started with diarrhea and then and Saturday she had a fever of 102.5 and was just laying around not wanting to do anything. So, I took her over to the ER at Utah Valley Medical Center and they ran some tests, gave her fluids, and told us to go home and get a stool sample and come home is the morning. Well, in the morning she still had a fever, diarrhea, and she started to throw up. So we went back over and they gave her more fluids, a ran more tests, and then had us go up to the pediatricians in Orem, Dr. Simmons, and he looked her over and thought maybe she had got salmonellae from the turtle, so he had me run a stool sample over to the lab at Utah Valley the next day. We took her over to Spanish Fork Clinic on Monday and she got even more fluids and they said if she is not better by tomorrow take her to the ER or call Dr. Frandsen. So on Tuesday she was still sick so Dr. Frandsen admitted her to Mountain View Hospital. She was there for two days with a continuous IV. Her fever is down now and all the tests they ran came back negative, so we still have no idea what is wrong with her. They got another sample to run a few more tests, but other then that we just need to watch her and if she keeps up with the diarrhea or gets the temperature back we need to take her back in.