Monday, July 21, 2008


OUR FIRST STOP CEDAR CITY???Our DVD player wouldn't work so we had to stop at the Walmart in Cedar City and buy a new cord, then replace the fuse, so an hour stop there and we were on our way to....

We stayed at the Stratosphere for one day and then we were on our way to...


The beach was a lot of fun! Brancen or B. Danger as he is known now and Cameron had so much fun jumping in the waves. I would put the picture on but Cameron would kill me. Kaylie had a blast digging in the sand and playing in the water. Trevy wasn't so thrilled about the big water as he called it but he loved the giant sand box. I had fun finding seashells with Kaylie and walking through the water. We even saw dolphins a little bit off the coast. Oh, this beach was extra special because they put up a net so the sharks couldn't get in(that is what Cameron told the kids, so they would go in the water) We packed up and went to the hotel, we stay at the Marriott in La Jolla, then we went to....


We went to the Olive Garden with Brad and caught up with him and then we went back to the hotel to go to bed. Friday we went to...


We has so much fun at Sea World. We went to the Dolphins, Sea Lion, Pet, and Killer Whale shows. We also went in the Wild Arctic, Shark(this is where Brancen got his new nickname B. Danger, there was a pool with little sharks in it and the sign said not to put your hands in because they bite so Brancen stuck his hand in to be dangerous, so I started calling him B. Danger), & penguins. We even took a ride on the Skytower, it was so beautiful to see the San Diego Coast from up high and we could look out and see all of Sea World. We then went back to the hotel and swam in the pool and then on Saturday we went to....


The Wild Animal Park was awesome. We went on this bus ride and the animals were all on this huge open field. There was a ton of giraffes, rhinos, deer like creatures(I forgot all there names) Then we walked over to the Lions park and there was eight lions and they were just laying around this car. It was so awesome!! We went and saw the elephants and the tigers then everyone was tired so we went back to the hotel and....

You guess it swam in the pool some more. The next morning we woke up and drove all the way home from San Diego, what a long drive, but we had a blast there. Our family loves San Diego, it is our favorite place if we could we would move there.