Thursday, December 4, 2008


Trevy being Trevy
Dad and Kaylie sharing secrets.

Cousin Ethan & Brancen eating yummy deserts
Jer and Hummer
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving/Christmas party with Cameron's family. The kids had a lot of fun playing with all the cousins. After the Thanksgiving festivities we moved right on to Christmas and Hummer & Jer passed out presents. They gave Addie and baby doll and she loved it. She kept hugging it and squealing with delight. Grandpa Jer decided to give away his knife collection. It was so awesome. He gave everyone in our family a knife of their own from his collection. Thanks again Grandpa. After the party died down Grandma RaNel, Cousin Jamie, & I went to the 9:30 showing of Twilight and had a blast! Thanks Jamie you are awesome, we will have to go to New Moon together.