Wednesday, June 11, 2008


On Monday afternoon Addison started to scream for no reason, so I went over to her and saw blood seeping out of her diaper. I took her over to the ER in Provo and it turns out that she had something called Intussusception. Intussusception is when a part of bowel slides into other, kind of like a telescope. They fixed it and then she had to be admitted because there is a 10 percent risk of it recurring in the next 72 hours. So Addie was on IVs and NPO on Monday and most of Tuesday, but she got to come home the morning and we just need to monitor her closely. She did look very cute in her little scrubs and all the nurses just went crazy over her. Here are a few pictures:

Addie in her hosptial bed

Dr. Trevy

Addie getting a wagon ride to the car.